Thursday, July 10, 2008

Field Trip Day...

Today we spent the afternoon on field trips.

We visited the Decision Theater at the Brickyard. It is a very cool seven-screen theater where simulations can be seen in a virtual world. There is a driver of the program who can take the theater through the simulation so that people can see what a scenario would look like prior to spending lots-o-money on the actual pursuit of their project. It is a very cool theater.

After the Decision Theater, we traversed the campus and visited the NMR/Spider Lab. I had visited the lab on opening day, but it was good to see it again and to here the perspective of the graduate student who works there v. the professor in charge. Both were fascinating to listen too. I took some cool pics of the NMRs and the spiders. One of the main purposes of the research taking place in the lab is to identify the structure of spider silk. The goal is to be able to reproduce the silk with a synthetic version. The silk has very attractive properties as it is both very strong and very flexible and elastic. The hope is that some day we will be able to use it to create artificial tendons to be used during reconstructive surgery. The Dept. of Defense is also interested in the research.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh

your pictures are wonderful, both of the nmr facility and the closeup of the spider!
