Thursday, July 3, 2008

Robotics Competition...

Today is the capstone event for the robotics portion of our program. There are two groups of student competetors and one group of teachers. We have been working on programming our Lego Robots all week. There will be three different tasks that each team will be competing. It has been a fun, but frustrating experience. The instruction was limited. Most of what we accomplished was done independently and with group members.

The tasks that our robots must complete include: manuvering a maze, capturing a ball and delivering it to the finish line; an artificial intelligence course where the robot must be pre-programed to manuever the course independantly; and finally a three-on-three ball capture competition. Each event presents its own challenges and has provided many opportunities to troubleshoot and fine tune our programs.

The students are great to watch. They are so engaged and full of energy. They seem much more comfortable with programming, technology, and the like. It seems that many of the adults reach their frustration point much faster that the students.

Let the games begin...

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