Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Brainstorming ideas for the classroom...

Yesterday I received my Lego Robot! I took it home and the 13 year old boy in me sat on the floor for two hours constructing the robot. As I sat there piecing together the little monster, ideas were rushing through the space between my ears as to how I could write a unit for my algebra classroom.

Coming from a business background, my mind was churning with ways to inventory the parts of the kit, assigning costs to each piece of the inventory, creating a project that included business application such as inventory control, purchasing, budgeting and auditing. In addition, parts of the unit could focus on the manufacturing of the unit, quality control, and testing. Once the production of the unit is complete, experiments could be run to discover certain physical phenomenon. The experiments would include posing a question, data collection, data analysis, and presentation of the data with interpretation of the data.

The task for this summer is to develop a 4 to 5 day unit. I see potential for much, much more with this idea. This is a very exciting start of my fellowship.

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